5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

Today I'm gonna reveal the  five best tips to burn fat and lose  weight faster while on a keto plan if  you've already had some experience with  this diet then you already know that in  order to burn more fat for fuel the goal  is to reach ketosis which is a metabolic  state in which your body begins to use  fat for energy rather than the glucose  from carbohydrates for energy due to the  fact that this diet is designed with a  very low carbohydrate intake you're  already setting yourself up for  depleting your body of stored glucose. 

But there are definitely ways that you  could do this faster and there are ways  that allow you to burn more body fat on  this diet plan the first way is with a  fat fast most of you already know that  fasting involves a period of not eating  followed by a period of time that you're  allowed to eat but there's another way  that you could mimic the same effects of  fasting just by eating a very low amount  of calories throughout the day it's  called fat fasting and it's a really  great method for someone that's just starting out with keto and wants to  reach ketosis faster it's also really  great for someone that's recently  knocked themselves Attica ptosis maybe  with a cheat day or by accidentally  eating something that wasn't supposed to  really be on their diet plan.

 To begin  with now I recommend not doing this for  longer than 2 to 4 days because that's  all you really need to jumpstart your  fat loss even if you really messed up on  a cheat day with this method you would  have somewhere between a thousand of  1,200 calories a day and you can have  those calories at any point of the day  again there are no fasting and feeding  windows now you're not only going to eat. 

5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

A low amount of calories but you're also  gonna change your macronutrients split  normally on a keto diet you'll be having  roughly 70 to 75% of your diet coming  from fat 5 to 10 percent of your diet  coming from carbs and about 20 to 25% of  your diet coming from protein however  with a fat pass you would be having 80  to 90 percent of all your daily calories  coming from fat most people would  immediately assume that having  such a high fat intake would naturally  make you fatter but it actually does the  exact opposite it forces your body to  quickly adapt to using fat more  efficiently for energy to hit such a  high percentage of fat you have to be  careful not to eat too much protein and  obviously you're avoiding almost all  carbs a couple examples of what you  could eat would be things like coconut  butter fat bombs stuff  avocados high-fat fish like mackerel  salmon or sardines with added fat like  olive oil and macadamia nuts to make  this method super simple some people  simply eat a block of cream cheese  throughout the day the reason is because  the block of cream cheese is going to be  right about a thousand calories and it's  also gonna have over 80% of those  calories coming from fat now I don't  typically recommend this simply because  there are healthier more nutrient-dense  options out there other than just cream  cheese all day long however.        

    I want you to know that many people 
report that this is a very easy way to   have a successful fat fast it's not very  nutritious but it does seem to get the  job done again if you have the ability  and the time to cook I could think of a  million better and more nutritious  options moving on tip number two stay  away from exogenous ketone products  these are supplements that suggest that  you can get into ketosis faster by  ingesting ketones to get your body to  start using those ketones for fuel I'm  sure that someone will disagree with me  below because these products are really  in right now in fact I get offers every  single week to cross-promote  exogenous ketone supplements on my  website and on this channel but the fact  remains that all those exogenous ketones  are a multi-level marketing scam these  supplement companies claim that just by  taking a supplement you can get into  ketosis in one hour as opposed to three  to seven days and a big way that they  fool everyone is with the keto test  strips.

5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

 These ketone products will  trigger the test strips to say that  you're in ketosis when you're actually  not your body is very smart it has to go  through natural hormonal and chemical  reactions to enter ketosis un cerca  ptosis by taking away carbohydrates or  by depleting glycogen stores through  methods like low carb dieting  prolonged exercise or by fasting all of  these methods involve taking away fuel  sources from your body to push your body  to start using fat as its primary source  of fuel on the other hand these  supplement companies want us to believe  that instead of subtracting we can just  add ketones and our bodies will randomly  switch into ketosis even if you haven't  spent the time depleting your glycogen  stores in reality this can slow down  rather than speed up the fat burning  process on the ketogenic diet products  like liquid ketones keto and exogenous  ketones .             > 

In general are complete nonsense  and like I said it's a multi-level  marketing scheme so don't waste your  time and your money on these BS  supplements let's move on to my third  tip for speeding up weight loss with  keto and that's through intense exercise  or prolonged exercise now prolonged  exercise where you train for a couple  hours can wind up doing more harm than  good .

So instead I'd like to focus on intense  exercise which can provide all the  benefits without the drawbacks  once again you're gonna get into ketosis  and begin producing ketones essentially  burning fat as your primary source of  fuel only after you've already depleted  your glycogen stores one of the best  ways by far to deplete your glycogen  stores with your workouts is by lifting  heavier weights and in general  increasing the intensity of your  workouts as opposed to aerobic workouts  like jogging and aerobic workouts will  preferentially use glycogen for fuel not  only will focusing on anaerobic training  help you burn through your glycogen  stores but it's also a way to prevent  muscle loss while you burn fat so this  is once again a win-win situation  because muscle loss is a very common  threat to anyone that you're trying to  cut while you're cutting regardless of  whether you're doing the ketogenic diet  or some other diet approach it's gonna  feel very difficult to match the same  weight load that you were using for your  exercises before you were trying to lose  weight or burn fat with a diet plan and  over a long cut you're inevitably going  to be sure to drop the amount of weight  that you use for at least a couple of  your exercises but ....

I need you to do  everything you can to fight for every  inch before decreasing the weight load  that you're using what I mean is push  yourself to maintain the same way as  long as you can an example of this would  be if you normally benchpress 225 for 8  reps when you start cutting 225 may feel  significantly heavier than what it felt  like before but instead of giving in to    the urge of immediately.

          Dropping     the   weigh that   you're using you want to  fight for every last pound meaning you  might only be able to do 7 reps the  first week and then the following week  only six reps and then two weeks later  you might be down to only five reps but  push yourself to stick to that same  weight load until your rep range gets  really low then you can drop down to a  new weight again the reason for this is  because as a natural your muscle  strength is directly linked to how much  muscle you lose during a cut so if you  easily give in every time that you're  feeling weak you're only going to  accelerate the process of getting weaker  faster while cutting if you can somehow  increase intensity during a cut that's  ideal but that's something that's really  only going to happen to absolute  beginners so at the very least do  everything you can to try to match it.    

     Since we're on the topic of exercise let  me give you the next tip you can reach  ketosis faster consistently deplete your  glycogen stores and burn more fat by  adding cardio after your weight training  sessions like I already said by  performing an intense weight training  session with heavy weight you'll deplete  the majority of your glycogen stores by  doing cardio directly after your weight training workout you'll be able to  deplete even more glycogen stores and if  they are already depleted you'll switch  over to primarily using ketones and fat  for energy if you do cardio even low  intensity steady-state cardio before  your weight training session you won't  have the energy to work as hard as you  can while lifting weights we've already  discussed how that could negatively  impact the amount of glycogen that you  deplete and how a less intense workout  will produce more muscle atrophy  throughout a cut but another thing you  should know is that a less productive  weight training session can impact  EPOC EPOC stands for excess  post-exercise oxygen consumption which  essentially occur  because your body needs energy to repair  your muscles after you've challenged  them with some heavy weight training it  allows your body to continue burning fat  after the workout is over you can create  more EPOC by doing weights first and  then finishing off with cardio this way  you get the fat-burning benefits of  cardio after depleting glycogen stores  from the weights and you still continue  burning fat after you're done.  

           Now for the last tip I know I already  spoke about fat fasting but you can do  more of a regular combination of keto  with traditional fasting for a very  powerful effect this is by far one of  the best ways because when you have  periods of not eating throughout the day  not only do you drop insulin to very low  levels allowing you to burn more body  fat but you're also not taking in any  carbs in fact you're not taking in any  calories at all so from a fat loss  perspective it's a win-win-win now even  though you can try a one meal a day diet  or the warrior diet where you fast for  20 hours at a time you don't have to go  the whole day without eating to  experience the extra benefits from  fasting when you combine it with keto a  simple intermittent fasting approach  where you have to fast for 16 hours of  the day and you have an 8 hour feeding  window just that will help quite a bit  as long as you stick to the ketogenic  diet macros and food options during your  8 hour feeding window you will speed up  .

Fat loss not only will it help you  reduce your overall caloric intake but  it'll also help you enter ketosis and  start using ketones for energy faster  your body will naturally burn fat to  produce ketones whenever glucose stores  are low or depleted and there's really  three major times that your glucose  stores are going to be completely  depleted one is by fasting the second  way is when you eat a ketogenic diet and  the third way is after intense or  prolonged exercise by combining the top  two ways into one diet you can bet that  you're going to accelerate your fat loss  that's it guys I really hope this video  has helped you out make sure you  subscribe to the channel for much more  free content and also if you're a little  confused on how to setup and execute a  ketogenic diet that gets you into  ketosis and burning fat fast then check  out my 6-week challenge           we include a customized ketogenic diet  plan as well as other diet approaches  with the program not only will you get a  done-for-you diet plan but you'll also  get a 42-day workout plan and an  accountability coach to push you and  guide you through the entire process  .

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