The Best Diets Of 2019


      The Best Diets Of 2019

      The Best Diets Of 2019

   The Best Diets Of 2019

well if you're still feeling full from Christmas dinner like I am you might be thinking about a best diet in the new year but good housekeeping nutrition director and registered dietician Jackie London says take a good look before you leave she's here with their best picks and best and worst diets of 2019 Jackie good morning to you good morning and great to be here there's one of those things where I feel like we talk about them every year but I've read these notes I'm learning like first just talked about some healthy eating basics things we need to know okay.

 So there's a number of basics to just cover and this is what's going to make for the basis of the best diets of 2019 ,

  Best diets of 2019 Meals

 Is to prioritize plans fruits veggies 100% whole grains nuts seeds legumes that's what you want to make the bulk of most of what you're eating during the day the next thing is to cook with good for you fats that's going to be your extra-virgin olive oil canola oil corn oil these are all gonna have high antioxidant profiles we are going to maximize the nutrients you get from those veggies and fruits the next is that you want to choose 100% whole grains as often as possible so that means that 100% whole grain and then insert the name of the grain there right it would be wheat or oat then you want to travel through taste so think about that as experimenting with different cuisines with using fresh herbs spices.

Fresh herbs spices it's good because sometimes we get those the same old things completely and overarching rule number one the take away of all of this is to think about inclusivity over exclusivity so instead of thinking about what to restrict think about what you can have more up and we'll see that in just a moment that I like it okay so people love this the best diets in 2019 you guys start with the Mediterranean diet which really is no surprise to me but talk about the diet so it is a holistic approach to health so Mediterranean diet encourages you to enjoy savor and love every moment of the indulgences that you're having as well as filling up on those mostly plant-based meals so again that is a vegetable forward type of dish it's thinking about switching up the ratio of let's say pasta to veggies right so more veggies a little bit less on the pasta there's a common thread here with that well actually .

I mean the one thing that I love about the Mediterranean diet is that lunch is the biggest meal of the day right so you have you know research has linked greater resting energy expenditure to to being able to expend more of that burn more calories over the sources the day if you have a bigger lunch so for us the takeaway is more earlier you guys also picked the -  best diet yeah a lot of people aren't familiar with that talk about what it stands for - diet stands for Dietary Approaches to stop hypertension so it's really meant for both reducing your risk of heart disease as well as weight loss and you can modify it to meet both of those so how do you do it so this is for the most part you're looking at sodium and saturated fat you want your sodium to be under 2300 milligrams saturated fat less than 10% okay.

      The Best Diets Of 2019

 It sounds really complicated but actually what it really means is to think about the processing of what you are making so instead of reading and deep-frying you're looking for things that are more poached seared and things that are baked grilled so it's really more about simplicity overall and using those herbs and spices to add additional flavor the other key thing to mention about - is the there are some minerals that are super important and you can find them in vegetables and fruit and low-fat dairy products so that would be potassium calcium and magnesium you maximize that let's squeeze this in before we get to the worst diets in your opinion the volumetrics yeah I've never heard about yeah sure the volumetrics comes from data out of Penn State University about that looks that really focuses on the nutrient density of foods versus energy doesn't know that means more nutrients for lower calorie cost so lots of volume per the name volumetrics right .

Best diets of 2019 Meals

You're gonna eat lots of foods from fresh whole real foods that are high in water and fiber and antioxidants have been saying for forever so these you say are on your worse list so you're not enthusiastic about them I'm so guilty of this one cleanses I'll do it like three days and then I'll like go have him exactly exactly which is why we don't love them right because when first of all it limits nutrients you're not really getting the lean protein and the good for you poly and monounsaturated because I do like pineapple right it sounds delicious right but the thing is that without the fiber you're really just getting the concentrated source of calories so when you wind up just taking in more than you would really want otherwise without feeling full let me squeeze this in because so many people are doing the keto diet you don't love this so keto diet is 70% at minimum source of calories is dietary fat so there are some risks because the more fat you have the less you're getting of those antioxidants key minerals like the calcium potassium magnesium the number one thing to keep in mind with keto is that there is some data that supports its uses we have collagen is love it right so it's just it's not we don't have enough substantial evidence in terms of long-term data to support really .

Recommending it for reducing risk of chronic disease as well as losing weight for the long term because when you restrict something that severely you know dietary carbohydrates are kept to ten percent or less of your total calories per day it's very difficult to manage and it can be really lacking in nutrients the other side of that is that you know you will have to be on micro-nutrient supplements for for the duration of the diet meaning that you will have to rely on an external source to get in those nutrients that you need right so and the FDA doesn't oversee the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements so you're introducing and whole other can of worms in terms of a health cost one more will squeeze in here this is the carnivore best diet you don't like that way so this is 100% animal-based protein so it's really limited in the types of foods that you can eat you're limiting all of that fiber there are some health risks associated with such severe limitations so again inclusive over exclusive more plans as much as possible we have the common theme there a lot of people think if they just get rid of the carbs that it will work but clearly you need the veg exactly we want the good carbs yes Jackie thank you so much .

      The Best Diets Of 2019

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