How To Start The Ketogenic Diet 2018

How To Start The Ketogenic Diet 2018

How To Start The Ketogenic Diet 2018

How to start
the ketogenic diet.
 This is a big
question a lot of people have and as a
matter of fact I see a lot of people who
tell me that they're following the
ketogenic diet and as I ask them more
details I find out whatever they're
doing in fact isn't the ketogenic diet
at all and they're kind of lost because
a lot of resources out there on the
ketogenic diet are bits and pieces so
the intention of this video is to kind
of break it down from A to Z and tell
you everything you need to know .

we're going to talk about why you do 

this and why people follow the ketogenic
 diet we're    gonna    talk   about     the
 breakdown of the macronutrients 
what you need to avoid and then after all 
that I'll clear this and we'll talk about the 
foods that you need to consume well on the
ketogenic diet to help you get
jump-started okay so first of all when
we look at the ketogenic diet a lot of
people ask well what is it okay.

Essentially what it is is this changing

the way that your your physiology and
your body is working so instead of
burning it sugar for energy your body is
burning fat for energy
now most people who are on the standard
American diet or on any standard diet
are consuming a diet that is very high
in carbohydrates in a diet that is very
high in sugar so that means that their
body is burning sugar for energy
now when you switch and you start
following the ketogenic diet what
happens you're taking those carbs out of
your die or taking that high amount of
sugar out of your diet and you're adding
a lot of fats into your diet so as a
result of that your body starts burning
fat for energy so what happens is your
liver starts breaking down fatty acids

and turning them into ketones these

ketones are used by the body for energy
they're used by the brain for energy now
this is considered to be a much more
efficient fuel source for the body
people who start following the ketogenic
diet they feel that they have more
energy they feel that they don't crash
as much they feel that they they have
pain that just starts to melt away so
anyway following the ketogenic diet
helps a lot of people and you know let's
go ahead and talk about the why
behind this because a lot of people look
at this Kito thing and they go well why
would I even do this what would be the
point this seems you know like a lot of
effort for nothing well the why behind
it is because first of all when we start
following the ketogenic diet we start

How To Start The Ketogenic Diet 2018

decreasing inflammation in the body now
as you may know if you've listened to
some of my other videos inflammation is
the root cause of many of these
different diseases first it starts with
an inflammatory problem in the body and
then from there it spirals off into many
different health conditions like heart
disease cancer Alzheimer's Parkinson's
polycystic ovarian syndrome neurological
conditions and also epilepsy so when we
follow the ketogenic diet people are
reporting that you know not only if they
had these conditions they're able to
start reversing them and start seeing
great progress in the recovery of of
this disease but what they also find is
that their biological risk factors for
these different diseases start to go
down in a big way so following the
ketogenic diet is scientifically proven
to reduce the risk factors of many of
these different conditions right here

and many more that's not even listed on

the board now another reason a lot of
people really like following the
ketogenic diet is because it is
incredible for weight loss because what
happens is when your body starts burning
that fat for energy it starts burning
the fat all over your body for energy
and as a result of that you lose a lot
of weight so now that we covered that
let's go ahead and talk about the
macronutrients here so what this is is a
3000 foot overview of how you're going
to eat well on the ketogenic diet let's
go ahead and get started with this so
first we're gonna consume high fat so I
already told you this is a high fat diet
we're gonna consume a lot of really good
quality fats next we're gonna consume
this diet moderate and protein in low
and carbohydrates when we break this
down percentage-wise we're gonna be
right around 60% fats we're gonna be
right around 30% proteins in our diet

and then 10% of our diet is going to be

carbohydrates so now let's go ahead and
break that down even a little bit
further and let's start with the protein
now when we're looking at how much
protein we should consume on a daily
basis what we do is we look at your lean
body mass okay and so I'm gonna give you
a quick way to figure this out so let's
say you're 180 pounds and you feel that
you have 10 pounds that you could lose
or maybe even 20 pounds you could lose
so that puts you at 100 and
60 pounds so in order to configure out
how much protein you should consume you
times 160 times 0.8 and that will give
you the rough estimate as how many as to
how much protein you should consume on
the ketogenic diet okay and so there's
more precise ways to go and figure out
your lean body mass but once again I'm
trying to get you started so let's go
ahead and use the method I just meant
mention there now when we look at
carbohydrates what we want to do is we
want to be at 50 grams or less of
carbohydrates okay and so the reason I
didn't mention fat yet is because what I
do is I tell you to figure out the
protein figure out the carbs and then
fill the rest in with fat okay now
here's the thing is that a lot of people
come on to my channel and they say well
you know you're saying this number and
another doctor said a different number
and I'm so confused because everybody
has a different opinion so as I already
mentioned this right here is a good rule
of thumb to go off of but the thing is
is that everybody's body is different
and everybody's daily activity is
different so this will vary okay if
you're an athlete you're performing at a
high level you might need more protein
you might need a little bit more carbs
you might be able to handle more protein
and carbs and not fall out of ketosis
maybe you're someone who's sick and you
have some insulin resistance issues okay
almost anything's gonna throw you out of
ketosis in the beginning so here's the
deal is it will vary based on you based
on your physiology and what I'll do at
the end of this video is I'll give you
some tips as to how you can really dial
in and know whether you're in ketosis or
not based on some different apps that we
can use and some different instruments
to measure the ketones in our blood but
as a rule of thumb this is a great place
to start but it will vary based on the
individual once you become good at
ketosis you'll really be able to dial
yourself in let's talk about some of
these foods here that you need to avoid
so the foods that you need to avoid well
on the ketogenic diet are first of all
high sugar foods and then second of all
high carb foods because if we're
consuming a high amount of sugar and a
high amount of amount of carbs we can't
be in ketosis our body will switch from
that fat-burning state to that sugar
burning state naka sati ketosis and
that hard work is done for so when we
look at foods that you need to avoid
we're gonna think breads pastas bananas
now bananas are on there because we're
referring to high sugar fruits okay and
so high sugar fruits would be grapes
you know the bananas so on and so forth
and then we also want to avoid sugary
drinks like sodas juices I know that it
comes from oranges but it's still high
amount and sugar or any other type of
juice and then we also want to avoid
candy in beer okay so now that we
covered this here let's go ahead and
talk about all the foods that you can
have well on the ketogenic diet and also
talk about the different bonus tips I
have for you to make this so much more
manageable so let's go ahead and have a
look at some of the top foods and
beverages that people are consuming well
on the ketogenic diet.

Now this isn't designed to be a

comprehensive guide but a QuickStart
guide to give you the top foods and
beverages and if you're already on the
ketogenic diet it'll be a little bit of
a refresher for you so first of all when
we look at the different beverages that
people are drinking while on the
ketogenic diet we're sticking the water
we're drinking coffee with a little bit
of cream or just completely black also
tea and then dry red wines and then
apple cider vinegar drinks as a matter
of fact I did a video on this on a great
apple cider vinegar drinks that I really
like that you can consume well on the
ketogenic diet I'll put that in the
description below so check that out so
anyway this is what people are really
sticking to in the way of beverages now
when we look at fruits the fruits that
people are consuming well on the
ketogenic diet ideally is berries okay
the reason that we stick to berries is
because well on the ketogenic diet we
want to keep our sugar levels low in our
body and berries are low in the glycemic
now berries are also high in
antioxidants and nutrients so you're
kind of getting more bang for your buck
there and so when we're considering
fruits on the ketogenic diet just think
berries strawberries blueberries
blackberries raspberries and all the
different berries out there now when we
look to some different nuts which are
really great to snack on we're looking
at nuts such as pecans macadamia and
Brazil nuts now these are really great
because they're low in carbohydrates but
also they have high amounts of fat in
them as well so these are some really
great snacks to have and also great
foods to eat well
ketogenic diet when we look to the meat
one of the things that we're going to
consider here is we want to always have
pasture-raised or organic meats okay the
reason that this is important is because
we don't want to be consuming these
meats that are coming from farms that
are using different pharmaceuticals on
their animals and also farms that are
using a lot of GMO crops and different
pesticides and all those things in the
feed that they're giving to their
animals so we also you know just want to
make sure that we're eating sustainable
food as much as we possibly can and so
when we look to the meats we want to
consider beef chicken lamb and also wild
game those are some of the best meats to
have well in the ketogenic diet moving
over to vegetables okay when we look at
vegetables we want to think above ground
vegetables above ground vegetables once
again very nutrient-dense but also the
other thing that's great about them is
they're low in carbohydrates which is
important on the ketogenic diet because
we're going to be consuming a lot of
vegetables but the low-carb ones are
going to be the best so we're looking to
vegetables such as fly cauliflower
cabbage avocados broccoli zucchini
spinach kale and also green beans and
also Brussels spouts sprouts are great
too so once again this isn't all the
vegetables that you can have but these
are some really great ones let's go
ahead and take a look at the different
fats you can have on the ketogenic diet
and also the different sweeteners in the
bonus tips that I want to share with you
the top fats that people like to consume
well on the ketogenic diet are fats like
butter heavy cream cream cheese olive
oil your high fat oils are gonna be very
powerful in the ketogenic diet because
they are very high fat so you could
sprinkle some olive oil on your salad
use it as a dressing coconut oil is
great for cooking with avocados are
really great too and then I also
included eggs on here and now eggs
aren't just a fad alone they are high in
fat but they're also high in protein and
I included it here just simply because I
didn't put it anywhere else but many
people who are on the ketogenic diet
really like to eat a lot of eggs now the
next topic here is sweeteners okay now
remember well on the ketogenic diet we
are in the metabolic state of fat
burning we're burning ketones for energy
and if we consume sugar it's going to
throw us out of the state of ketosis so
what we want to do is we want to
actually use sweeteners
tastes sweet they give the perception of
sweetness but they do not raise our
insulin levels and they do not raise our
blood sugar levels okay or if they do
raise them they raise them in a very
very minimal amount comparative to the
different cane sugars and other things
out there so first here stevia is a
great one monk fruit is also a great one
to use many people like these two as
their favorites okay now the other ones
that you can use are erythritol in
xylitol now these are sugar alcohols
some people don't do that well with them
so a lot of people tend to shy away from
them I personally use them because they
don't affect me negatively in any way so
anyway these are great sweeteners used
well in the ketogenic diet let's talk
about a couple of bonus tips that are
gonna make that's really gonna make
following the ketogenic diet so much
easier for you okay .

First of all
there's a couple apps that you can use
so you can get your phone download these
apps and it's gonna help you manage the
the diet much better okay so first a
carb manager app is really great because
it's gonna allow you to see what you've
eaten and also just manage the foods
that you're eating in the beginning
because when you first start the
ketogenic diet you're going to be you
know kind of just trying to wrap your
head around it and how much of this did
I eat and how much of that eventually
once you're good at it it's just gonna
all be in your head as far as what you
need to do you'll just know so carb
manager app is really powerful for
tracking food that you're eating the
chronometer app is really great because
when you're looking at trying to
identify how much fat is in different
foods and and how much protein and so on
and so forth and how many carbs the
chronometer we'll break that down for
you so for instance you could take an
avocado how much fats and how much
proteins in it how many carbs are in it
and that will break down food for you
and it's gonna be very important when
you first start doing this now the other

 I want to mention here is first of
all you should take a multivitamin well
on the ketogenic diet it's good to just
have good nutrients flowing through your
system during this time and so taking a
multivitamin is good
taking electrolytes okay .

So you can take
electrolytes in a couple different ways
first of all you can have use an
electrolyte powder I personally use one
because between exercise and the
ketogenic diet

find myself just constantly low on

electrolytes so I use an electrolyte
powder I'll put it in the description
below but the other thing that you can
do is you can just make sure you're
consuming a lot of good Himalayan pink
sea salt okay put it on your avocados
put it on your meals make sure you
increase your sea salt intake because
you're gonna need those extra
electrolytes or you'll crash now another
couple bonus tips I'll mention because I
have a few that just came up off the top
of my head so first of all I you when
you start the ketogenic diet you're
gonna have to just kind of you know move
different percentages of foods around
and you're going to also have to maybe
have more protein or less protein and
you really have to figure out what's
right for you now.

 You can use the
precision extra meter which is a way to
measure ketones and so you basically use
your blood you measure your ketones and
the the amount of ketones that are in
your blood and then it'll tell you
whether you're in ketosis whether you're
not how deep you're into ketosis and so
anyway using the precision extra meter
is going to be powerful and then you're
going to be able to kind of mess with
your percentages of foods and figure out
where you need to be as an individual
once again you're gonna find all
different variables out there as to
where you need to be you're going to see
different percentages but...

 At the end of
the day it's all about you it's all
about your physiology it's all about
your activity level along with the
precision extra meter 2 meter to measure
ketones I really recommend getting a
good diet guide as far as like a
cookbook that is just a hundred percent
keto based that's going to give you a
lot of different recipes and maybe even
some meal plans ok.

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