How To Reduce Bloating ?

How To Reduce Bloating ?

How To Reduce Bloating ?

How To Reduce Bloating ?

 I'm gonna share with you my top tips on how I reduce my bloating because I'm not gonna lie I get bloated sometimes I'm like not prone to bloating I wouldn't say that but I definitely have to kind of listen to my body and really be mindful of foods that I eat and just things that are going on to kind of keep my bloating at a minimum so I'm gonna share my top tips with you guys.

 The first thing that I like to do every morning when I wake up that really helps my digestion and just my overall health is to have a big glass of lemon water as soon as I wake up before I eat anything this has been amazing for me to do and to adapt into my routine so I highly recommend it especially if you are battling with bloating drinking enough water everyday will really really help your body recover from the bloating because it allows your body to digest properly your body is made up of mostly water so how do you expect it to function properly if you are not consuming enough water I recommend about half your body weight in ounces is what you should be drinking portion control is probably the hardest thing for people to get a hold of but it's the most crucial when it comes to limiting your bloatedness.

 I would definitely invest in a food scale a food scale will help you measure foods properly and allow you to get familiar with the proper portion sizes and obviously the types of foods you eat can have a big impact on how you feel and how you look I would highly recommend incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet as they are loaded with fiber and fiber is necessary to have a healthy digestion I follow a plant-based nutrition and I cannot stress enough how amazing it has been for me and I just encourage you all to try it out my next tip is to eat slower so if you haven't noticed I've been talking about digestion quite frequently and that's because feeling bloated is usually a sign of poor digestion so you got to fix your digestion in order to fix your bloating so I would recommend to eat slower .

 I sometimes like to put my fork down in between bites so it forces me to eat slower some veggies if I have them raw they will cause some discomfort and bloatedness so I like to cook certain vegetables a little bit I just salute them briefly on the stove and I find that I don't feel as bloated if they are lightly cooked.

 My next tip is for all you vegans and people who consume a lot of plant-based foods I would recommend to soak your beans and lentils at least overnight so that you get rid of all the anti nutrients and stuff in them I just soaked them in Tupperware and then I add some water and then cover the Tupperware and push them aside so it's that simple and this will really really help decrease your bloatedness when you eat these foods taking a pro-biotic supplement is going to help your stomach have more healthy gut bacteria in it so it's gonna allow you to digest better I like to find a pro-biotic that also has a pro-biotic in it as well I feel that that works the best so I take this once every single day usually with breakfast if I eat  something my body does not agree with .

 I will supplement with activated charcoal and it works by binding to unwanted toxins and materials in your body and safely carry them out of your digestive system so it reduces any discomfort that you may feel when you consume certain things and my last tip is something I'd like to have before I go to sleep and that is a nice cup of warm Herbal tea I personally like chamomile tea before I go to sleep because I feel like it helps me sleep sooner and better while allowing me to wake up feeling less bloated and ready to start the day guys .

I hope these tips helped you out. I would love the help because your girl gets bloated and it sucks but you know if you are mindful about certain things and you make daily efforts you can definitely reduce it and if she won't be as back at the end of the day you know it's all about loving yourself and loving the body that you have and the body that God gave you and everything else .

Would just fall into place I promise you that so don't stress about it it happens to us all just remember that you know pictures that you see magazines or pictures that you see on Instagram are highlights of people's lives so don't get like don't compare yourself to what you see in those photos get what I'm saying and leave me any tips that I didn't cover that you use because that would be awesome I would love to hear what you guys have to say yeah thank you.

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