Tips You MUST KNOW Before Starting A Ketogenic Diet!!

Tips You MUST KNOW Before Starting A Keto!!

 Tips You MUST KNOW Before Starting A Ketogenic Diet!!
 Tips You MUST KNOW Before Starting A Ketogenic Diet!!

Hi guys today I'm gonna be talking to you all about my 8 tips to have a very successful and sustainable ketogenic diet.

 My name is Rachel I am a nutritionist from Brisbane Australia and I also earn a blog and a gym called apron lift so I've been following a ketogenic diet for around nine months now to help reduce symptoms and improve my PCOS.

A ketogenic diet can be an incredibly powerful tool when it does come to battling some health conditions such as type 2 diabetes epilepsy Alzheimer's and PCOS just to name a few I believe there are a lot of unhealthy ways to do heaters such as all the bulletproof coffees and all the processed meats and that kind of thing I try to avoid that style of cater and I personally like to cut out any caffeinated or any stimulant products at all I have my dairy and not intake at an absolute minimum and I try to focus on really really Whole Foods as much as possible and getting organic free-range etc...

 If you're after a food list I do have one that I put together in a  PDF so you can use it as a shopping list ,before I jump into my tips for making your character is sustainable and easy to get through as possible .

The 8 Cautions And Tips You MUST KNOW Before Starting A Ketogenic Diet!!

 Caution and tip number 1 :

  Get a full panel of blood tests run every few months while you're on keto.

 Caution and tip number 2 :

 Get a jewel glucometer which reads both your blood sugar and your blood ketone levels and you're going to test that multiple times a day ,you can get those ketone  sticks but after a while like the longer you're in heater the less accurate .They become so this is a more accurate way to read those levels .

 Caution and tip number 3 :

 Check your sodium potassium and magnesium when you're on a ketogenic diet, all of these minerals are expelled from your body a lot quicker than they would be on a normal diet so the way that I like to do this ,is make sure I'm getting enough salts with bone broth make sure that I've got lots of avocados and you can also have almonds for things like magnesium and making sure you're getting that potassium too.

 Caution and tip number 4 :

  Be prepared and make sure that you always have snacks or something available. I tend to always have some kind of food in my handbag just in case I get caught out but you just need to make sure that you know where you're eating and you can plan for it.

 Caution and tip number 5 :

 Choose less processed foods this is going to make the diet a lot more sustainable over the long term for you so opting for like your grass-fed meats and opting for lots of fresh vegetables rather than going for those local bars and processed snacks that are made to be low carbohydrate but contain sugar alcohols.

 Caution and tip number 6 :

 Make sure you're getting enough water you may be surprised by how much water you do actually require on a ketogenic diet this is due to the fact that your body is just not holding it the way that it used to so you'll find that the amount of water you need to consume has greatly increased from what it was before.

 Caution and tip number 7 :

 That small changes add up so when you are on a ketogenic diet little things like switching from a normal butter to a grass-fed butter is going to make a huge difference because it has a lot more minerals and vitamins in it that are readily available for your body so just making sure that there's these little changes so like the the no processed foods cutting the sugars and ditching the processed snacks little changes bit by bit will make a world of difference.

 Caution and tip number 8 :

 Log your food you can do this in apps like MyFitnessPal or live some I recommend looking every day when you start and then the more you get used to the foods the less often you have to log I still like to log once to twice a week just to make sure that I'm keeping everything on track because with Keto it is very easy to accidentally under eat on your fats and you need to make sure you're getting enough fats each day or you'll be very tired if you learn anything from this.


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