Common causes and errors in Keto Diet inhibit the benefits of weight loss

Are you one of those people who did their best with Keto Diet but did not notice the results you wanted

Here are the most common mistakes people make when starting a Keto diet, and the possible reasons that prevent you from achieving excellent results in Quito

Not eating enough fat

Keto diet is not only low in carbohydrates, but high in fat, as 75% of the calories you eat should come from healthy fats, 20% protein, 5% carbohydrates

The fat is saturated, so if you eat the right amount you will reduce your intense desire to eat carbohydrates, it will help you stay in the ketosis state, also promote fat burning in the body

 Eat plenty of protein

One of the most common mistakes when beginners in Keto Diet is eating too much protein

Where excess protein is converted by the body into glucose in a process called glucose induction

This is a natural process of the body, where the body converts energy from proteins and fats to glucose when glucose is not readily available

When you follow Keto Diet or any low carbohydrate diet, the development of glucose will occur at different rates to maintain your body's function

Our bodies do not need too much carbohydrates (as most diets do), but we need glucose

It is possible to follow a diet free of carbohydrates and through the development of glucose, the body converts the food to glucose for energy. That's why carbohydrates make up five percent of macros

In fact, some body parts need carbohydrates to survive, such as red blood cells and the inner part of the kidney

Through the process of sugar development, the body produces and can store excess glucose to glycogen and this is in the case of reduced supply

In most diets when carbohydrates are readily available, the development of sugar occurs at a slow rate, because the need for excess glucose is very low.

The body then derives its energy from glucose and stores excess carbohydrates and proteins into body fat, hence the person's suffering with obesity

On the contrary, when you follow the Keto Diet system, the body works and derives its energy from healthy fats and stores excess carbohydrates and proteins into glycogen for use in restoring muscles or supporting parts of the body that need a steady supply of carbohydrates

It will take a long time for the body to turn its energy from fat instead of glucose

Once the body enters the ketoacid state, it begins to digest fat as a main source of energy and begins to store excess protein in the form of glycogen

Eating a little protein during the Keto diet will not cause a problem because the body uses it only as a way to replenish the glycogen stores

However, when Keto Diet starts for the first time, the body burns excess glucose that is produced through the process of developing sugar, rather than burning fat to get energy. This may slow down time to reach the ketosis state, or completely prevent ketosis

Quito Diet is not a low carbohydrate diet and high protein. As previously mentioned, the fat must be the primary energy source, and this means finding sources of pure fat that does not include protein, such as butter or healthy oils, to add them to your meals

In other words, do not rely exclusively on fatty meat intake, to achieve the goal of reaching the fat percentage in your meals

 Eat lots of calories

You may hear people say you can eat whatever you want when you follow Keto, as long as the food is high in fat. Although we wish it to be true, it is misleading

Healthy fats should make up the bulk of your diet (75% of your calories), but if you take more calories than you burn

The weight will increase only, no matter what you eat, where excess calories are stored as fat in the body

An adult needs about 2,000 calories a day, but this varies based on many factors, including sex, height, and activity

 Do not drink enough water

Water is essential for everything the body does, including burning fat in the body. If you do not drink enough water, your metabolism will slow down and therefore it will be difficult to lose weight

Drinking at least one and a half liters of water every day helps your body distribute food, expel toxins, and burn fat

When you start in Keto Genk Diet, you may need to drink more water because your body gets rid of water at a greater rate when you begin to consume fewer carbohydrates

 Do not compensate or fill the shortage of electrolytes

Many people have flu-like symptoms (known as Keto Flu), initially when following Keto Diet, it can happen for two reasons

When the body turns from burning carbohydrate to fat burning, the mind may run out of energy, leading to nausea, headache, and weakness
 Due to drought and lack of electrolyte because the Keto system causes you to urinate frequently
Quito is a good sign that you are moving in the right direction. You can reduce symptoms by drinking more water and taking supplements to achieve electrolyte balance

 Eat lots of dairy products

Dairy products can be a hindrance in your way to losing weight, especially if your protein levels are too high, this can stop weight loss. Dairy products contain a mixture of nutrients: fats, protein and carbohydrates

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