Why Still Fat On Keto - What Nobody Told You

We have an interesting topic, that is still fat on keto and there's a couple ways this happened, so, first of all, some people start the ketogenic diet and they're just not hitting those weight-loss goals, right off the bat so you know they want to give up now there's other people who have tried the ketogenic diet and they quit altogether,  because they have seen so many people having amazing weight loss transformations, and it didn't happen for them or they just didn't get down to their target weight.

Why Still Fat On Keto - What Nobody Told You
Why Still Fat On Keto - What Nobody Told You

Why Still Fat On Keto - What Nobody Told You

 Now the truth is is that the ketogenic diet works really well for this, and there's probably just a few things that you need to tweak in order to get you amazing results like the ones you're looking for so in this article what I'll do is teach you these amazing tweaks that you need to make in order to improve your fat loss goals well on the ketogenic diet and make the ketogenic diet work for you.

 Now first topic on our list is going to be metabolic hormones and, I think that this is so important and I don't think enough people talk about it and, the reason it's important is because when people are starting ketogenic diet they are not all starting on an equal playing field right now a lot of people who are doing the ketogenic diet, they are simply doing it because first of all you want to lose weight, but also they want to improve their overall health so they have some problems going on, they likely already have metabolic instability so when they approach the ketogenic diet, these issues are already occurring now.
 Here's the thing a healthy individual who starts the ketogenic diet is likely going to see good results fast because their metabolic hormones are on point now, if someone who is more unhealthy and has more metabolic hormone dysregulation going on within their body, they have insulin resistance they have leptin resistance the hormones just aren't working like they normally would then, they're not going to see results as fast.

Why Still Fat On Keto?

 So the point I'm making here is that the ketogenic diet is going to downregulate inflammation it's going to make these hormones more sensitive, but the truth is that most people don't talk about is that some people will get results much faster than others, but the key  is if you're one of those people that has that metabolic instability going on you simply just need to persist through and keep pushing, because the results will come as your body starts to heal, so don't give up because you have metabolic hormones and don't base your success on other people's success, because we don't approach the ketogenic diet on equal playing fields.

 Now next years carbohydrates now when we look at carbohydrates, this is an important topic because as a rule of thumb it's typically 50 grams of carbohydrates or less on the ketogenic diet, but some people need to bring it down even further than that. 

Some people need to bring it to 30 grams or less or even 20 grams or less now if you're not losing fat on the ketogenic diet bring it down to 20 grams or less, and make sure that you're getting most your carbohydrates from your vegetables, next year on our list is going to be fat intake now this is important too because when we first approached the ketogenic diet, we want to push the fats in our body simply because we are trying to change our body's fuel system we want to change your body from burning sugar for energy to burning fat for energy, so we want to push the fats in the beginning in order to really push that transformation.

 However, what happens is once we actually become keto-adapted and we're in the state of ketosis, what we want to do is scale back on those fats, because if we just keep pushing those fats all the way through our body will burn that dietary fat that we're consuming but not the fat on our body, that we're trying to lose and so once you're in the state of ketosis make sure you're pulling back on those fats do in order to start burning the fat on your body, and that is very important for fat loss results.

 Next here is going to be exercise now a lot of people approach the ketogenic diet because they don't like exercising right, they want to lose weight, but they do not want to do it by going to the gym and just you know burning out miles of running, and things like that and nor should you, but the thing is is when you're following the ketogenic diet it's still very important to exercise.

 Now, you don't have to go and do heavy weight training, you don't have to go and do you know heavy long-distance running, but what you need to do is you need to just get out and start moving so as little as a 30-minute walk a day has drastic effects on the body and really can have a huge impact on improving your overall state of well-being, so 30 minute brisk walk a day, but you know what even picking up some very light weights once again you don't have to go pick up the heavyweights  and you know just be grinding it out in the gym, you can pick up some light weights and you can do some different exercise in order to help build a little bit of muscle tone things up, but when you start moving when you start getting yourself physically active, you're going to start seeing that fat fall off your body even faster so as little as a 30 minute brisk walk a day it's very important, not only for your cardiovascular system, but also your weight loss goals when doing the ketogenic diet.

 Now, when we look at keto in losing weight and in making sure that we're hitting our fat loss goals, we want to make sure that we're using fasting as our friend, but the question becomes how to fast now? 

Most people will start the ketogenic diet they won't do fasting at all. Now on as a rule of thumb 16 and 8 works very well when doing the ketogenic diet, but some people may even need more than that, so if you're not doing any fasting at all, and you want to improve your keto transformation then, be sure to add in 16 and 8.

 Now, if you're already doing 16 and 8, and you want to even further those goals or maybe you're just kind of stuck, and you just can't lose any more fat, and what you want to do is push that fasting a little further go to 18 hours go to one meal a day, and then you're gonna start seeing that fat loss transformation speed up into full gear.
 Now, when it comes to fasting if you want to learn more about that, read this article, that I did right up here I did a complete guide on one meal a day on intermittent fasting it's gonna teach you everything you need to know check that.

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